Molly Reynolds

This image, which I took and edited on photoshop, was inspired my Bill Armstrong's work.
Bill Armstrong images are super out of focus to the point where the model's identity is completely hidden and then he uses a certain colour in the image to create a mood, personality, emotion, time, era or place.
In this image I took a photo of my friend Jack out of focus, I then opened it into photoshop and used pink tones. You can vaguely make out that it is a person in the left hand side of the image, however, it isn't clear on who it is or what they really look like and there is a slight depth of field where the person in the foreground is more in focus, but only slightly, than the background is.
This image was taken with a Canon EOS 80D at an ISO level of 100 with an F-stop of 2.8 on a 50mm lens.